Entries by admin

Meeting of partners

The Joint Steering Committee of the project NETMIN „Forming of network for enhancing environmental protection from pollutants of mining cross border areas” RORS-308, reunited online on December 6th, 2024. There has been discussed  the sustainability of the project results in the fourth year after the end of project implementation. Partners discussed about recruiting new members […]

Quality – an asset for the future, 2024

On November 14th, 2024, the World Quality Day, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies and Environmental Protection (Politehnica University Timisoara) organized the fourth edition of the national symposium entitled Quality – an asset for the future. The event is an opportunity to focus the attention of individuals, teams, non-profit organizations, companies and decision-makers, on the […]

The NETMIN project results impact the academic community

The research underpinning the NETMIN project led to the identification of the cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) as a viable solution for bioremediating soils polluted with heavy metals in mining areas. The article published in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48(4), 2020 by the group of authors lead by Radu Șumălan, and Cornelia Muntean „The cup […]


Quality – an asset for the future, 2023

On November 9th, 2023, the World Quality Day, the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (Politehnica University Timisoara) organized the third edition of the symposium entitled Quality – an asset for the future. The event is an opportunity to focus the attention of individuals, teams, non-profit organizations, companies and decision-makers, on the essential aspects […]


Meeting of partners

The Joint Steering Committee of the project NETMIN „Forming of network for enhancing environmental protection from pollutants of mining cross border areas” RORS-308, reunited on December 7th, 2023, online. There has been discussed  the sustainability of the project results in the third year after the end of project implementation. Partners discussed about recruiting new members […]

Towards a common goal: capitalizing on the results of a scientific and practical cooperation

The Joint Steering Committee of the network created within the framework of the project NETMIN RORS-308 „Forming of network for enhancing environmental protection from pollutants of mining cross border areas” reunited on October 4th, 2022, in Bor (Serbia) evaluated the converging efforts to build upon the results obtained in the project and further the cooperation […]


Keeping NETMIN in focus: scientific results shared in the academic community

The 53rd INTERNATIONAL OCTOBER CONFERENCE on Mining and Metallurgy, organized on 3-5 October 2022 in Bor, Serbia, proved to be a generous setting for reiterating some of the most relevant results obtained by a Romanian-Serbian team of researchers from the two countries during their cooperation framework of the project NETMIN RORS-308 „Forming of network for […]

Sustainability, environment, and cooperation

The Joint Steering Committee of the network created within the framework of the project NETMIN-RORS-308 „Forming of network for enhancing environmental protection from pollutants of mining cross border areas” reunited on November 5th, 2021, in Bor (Serbia) to discuss the sustainability of the project results in the first year after the end of project implementation. […]

Synergy of projects

Scientific Romanian-Serbian Cross-border cooperation leads to important results in the environmental preservation and remediation. The final gala of the project RORS-337 “ROmania Serbia NETwork for assessing and disseminating the impact of copper mining activities on water quality in the cross-border area” organized in Timisoara (Romania) on September 3rd, 2021, was a good opportunity for presenting […]